July 24, 2023

Looking at life differently

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Look good, feel good. Sometimes it takes a bit of help to make us look good though, and that’s where RevitaLash comes in.


RevitaLash is a global cosmetics company that was set up to make women’s lashes, brows and hair look even more beautiful. They sell more than just mascara and eyeliner though … think eyelash curlers and eyebrow conditioners as well!


The New Zealand distributor for RevitaLash products is Kiara Cosmetics. Kiara, set up in 2017, is an outward looking company that seeks to help where it can to give people—especially women—a better future, so they paid-it-forward $74 to the New Zealand Red Cross to help with their Disaster Relief fund.


The Red Cross is also a global organisation and is well used to being there for people in emergencies and dire need. The New Zealand Red Cross was one of the first responders to those in the North Island affected by the 2023 Cyclone Gabrielle and associated flooding events. Just some of their practical help included supporting 1,500 people who took shelter in the Civil Defence Shelters and sending out 1,000 stretchers so that folk could at least have somewhere to sleep. Now that’s really meeting needs in the community!


So, if you need some help with your peepers to make them more alluring, think about RevitaLash and Kiara Cosmetics. They are both companies that want to make people look and feel good as well as seeking to make the community a better place for all, much like Red Cross.

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