August 27, 2024

Feel like people, not patients

2 min


Written by:

Megan Raynor

VIew Profile

Navigating cancer isn't just a physical battle – it's an emotional and mental journey, too. That’s where charity Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) steps in, offering support through free wellbeing sessions. These sessions, available to anyone with any cancer at any stage of treatment, are helping bring a boost to many across Aotearoa.

From signature skincare and make-up classes held in over 40 community centres, to online sessions and on-demand videos, LGFB  ensures that no one faces their journey alone. 

The charity was formed by the Cosmetic Association New Zealand in 1991 and continues to thrive thanks to the beauty industry's generous donations. These contributions keep the programme free for participants but there are still so many costs for the charity to cover. That’s why the support from their business partners including essano,, Hark & Zander, Flo & Frankie has been a game-changer.

To date LGFB has been paid-forward $6,500 worth of skin and beauty products via GoGenerosity’s business partners. This incredible contribution allows the charity to  consistently provide a great experience for the participants in a time they need it most.

The feedback from those supported by LGFB show how impactful this generosity is. Take Jacqui, for example, who shared,

I had just been diagnosed with melanoma. Everyone smiled and welcomed me in. I felt amazing and cared for, and to see us doing our make up with laughter was the best. I put make-up on more now and it does make me feel good.


Or Marie, who found a renewed sense of confidence in the sessions: “There were others in the class who had no hair and it was good to see the women shine. I enjoyed the Look Good Feel Better session and being with others. I needed to do something for myself too. I needed some self-confidence.”

Because of these generous businesses and their customers, LGFB is able to continue to help participants feel like themselves again, not just patients. Every contribution is making a real, tangible difference.

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